Never go over budget or wonder how much you’re paying for performance marketing campaigns that charge you on a per-click basis. Now you can keep tabs on all your digital advertising expenses—even when you’ve got multiple campaigns running on different channels.
With Tribal cards and spend management tools, control and track your digital advertising payments all in one place and easily stick to budgets. With up-to-the-minute visibility and advanced reporting tools, you’ll always know what you’re spending by channel.
Easily set budgets
Issue a unique virtual card for every ad channel and give it a spend limit to keep budgets in check, even when your ads are pay-per-click.
Smooth and free overseas payments
Make seamless payments to advertising partners without foreign transaction fees or issues with declined cards.
Expense classification
Tribal automatically categorizes every expense for you, making it easier to understand how your money is being spent. You can also add custom tags to classify them by campaign.
Multiple currency cards
Paying for ads in another currency? Tribal cards can be issued in multiple currencies, and we don’t mark up the exchange rate.
Simplified real-time spend reports
Generate reports by expense category for visibility of total ad spend, or by merchant to know what you’re spending by ad channel, no matter which team member made the payment.